I met her saturday night and she started talking to me. I bought her a drink and we talked some more. I guess I made a good impression because she gave me her number. I called her the next day and we made a date sunday evening. It was my first date in six years. We talked a bit over dinner and established that we have some common interests. She asked me if I have a girlfriend, I said no. She said she found it hard to believe because I'm a nice guy, I told her that seems to be my problem. She's been broken up with her last boyfriend for four months because the guy cheated on her. She says she's looking for more of a friendship and to maybe develop it into something. Yesterday I called her up after work and invited her down to my area. She came down and met up with me so we went for a little dinner and went back to my place to hang out for a while. I walked her to her car, she gave me a hug and went home.
I feel frigid. I'm worried she'll lose interests in me. I'm also worried she'll take advantage of me. I might not be pathetic but I really feel that way. I feel like I maimed the "animal inside me" and I'm an uptight nerd with no libido. I'm scared of accidentally being pushy and I can't balance the right attitude (like when you're nervous and talk at an inappropriate volume, only with attitude). I can't be flirty without saying something stupid or...creepy might be a bit harsh but it could suit the awkward silence that follows. I'm a very awkward person in this aspect of life. Very awkward. I'm worried she won't be patient enough for me to eventually make a move, lighten up or do whatever it is I feel like I'm missing. I'm worried if I make a move I'll be pushy. Hell, I don't even remember what a "move" is. I want to play off vibes but I'm terrible with my assumptions (which is what vibes feel like to me) and might come off as uninterested. It's also possible she's never dated a "nice guy" (pushover trying really hard not to appear to be trying really hard not to be a pushover), really does like me and doesn't want to chase me away somehow.
I think, and hope, that it's a combination of her being cautious to protect herself and getting to know me seriously. There's a possibility she's a genuine girl with values that aren't at odds with my own. I'm also unsure of what I want. My last relationship lasted four years and it's been six years since. I want to start slow without investing too much emotion and am hoping she's on the same page. I am attracted to her but I have trouble expressing it.
I only met her last saturday so this is all premature but I feel I'm picking up some kind of vibe, like she's trying to tell me something but I can't figure it out.
At any rate, if it doesn't work out I have to protect the bit of confidence I got from her taking an apparent interest in me. I also don't want her to know I have low self-esteem, I want to keep working on it by myself even if the validation does help.
I wish I could find some therapy I could trust just for this particular aspect of my life.