My fiance woke up this morning and 6:30 and made a move to have sex. We have morning sex almost every morning. We are a very sexually active couple in general. But, this morning, I made the mistake of saying "It's too early.I'm tired." I meant that I wanted to sleep like another 30 minutes, then wake up for sex. I was half-asleep at 6:30 this morning. Anyway, he got a little upset because we didn't have sex; so he got out of bed and went to the living room to watch the news. I came out to the living room and sat next to him in silence until he went to take a shower. Then, he went to work and I called him while he was driving. He told me he was frustrated because I made him feel rejected this morning. Then, he made the comment that "A lot of women start using the excuse of being tired because they don't want to have sex as often after they have been in a relationship for awhile." And, he said he won't keep initiating sex in the morning because he doesn't want me to keep turning him down.
I feel horrible. I don't want him to feel rejected and I definitely don't want him thinking that I am using an excuse because I don't want to have sex.
What should I do?