i had this posted in the "ask a male" forum but i would really appreciate a variety of opinions! ok we used to be good friends, then started dating aged 12-13.... i found that he got very nervous and we stopped being comfortable around each other. i also knew that i really liked him and always would. he told me he loved me. i thought we should split and go through high school a little freer and get back to being friends and i really hoped that i'd be able for a long term realtionship with him at an older age since what we had was very special and not for somone so young to have.
being 13, i didn't really communicate this to him properly and i was stupid. i assumed everything would still go to plan. it didn't, he got very upset, so did his friends and now.... he can't even look at me.
a few months after we broke up i got a text saying "i still like you text back" and didn't even get a chance to reply before i got another text saying sorry that was my friend pranking you. i was hurt and confused and just left it...
3 years have passed, he still can't look at me. we've both been in a few other relationships and he has dated some very good looking girls. i have had great relationships and fancied other guys but nothing remotely serious or deep. i'm more mature and more ready for a "real" relationship now and my attempts to forget about my 1st love have failed. i still really want to give our relationship a proper shot now...
is there any hope? why can't he look at me? were those texts really a prank? if so why did they prank me? what should i do?
any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated! thanks!