I have a bf, who seems never to want to go anywhere with me, have asked him if he is ashamed of me, its been the same for 5 months.
I have met one of his friends on our second date, no-one since, hes quite happy to come to mine sit in and play the wii all night, and when hes not at mine he has his daughter.
i am now just considering ending the relationship, cause it seems not to be moving on at all, i have not met his family or his daughter, he keeps that part completely seprate from me.
he takes calls from his ex when he is at mine and when i mention that its not a good idea to do that infront of me he gets the hump, she is now calling everytime hes with me, if i mention it he goes all moody.
He wants sex every nite, he hates me going out with my friends, but he can go out if he wants.
Is it me or is he a control freak???