I moved in with my girlfriend a couple months ago; we use to have sex all the time but lately sex has been plumeting to the ground. I understand this normally happens in marriages over time and especially when you have kids, but we have been dating for only 2 1/2 years and I don't think we should be at this point right now in our relationship. The only thing I can blame this on is we see each other all the time so the desire isn't as high as it use to be; let me rephrase that her desire isn't as high (haha) compared to when we only saw each other on the weekends.
Anyway, it's just frustrating now because being a guy my sex drive is through the roof and I love having sex with her because she is beatiful and we both enjoy it a lot; I would have sex with her everyday if I could pull that off. I always initiate sex but lately I've been getting the chicken wing and the I'm tired song and dance, and after getting turned down over and over it just doesn't make my self-esteem feel high/good anymore.
I've tried holding back and not initiating sex anymore, and letting her do it for once but that didn't work out too well. Next thing you know she's never initiating sex and 2 months go by. I feel sex is really important for a healthy relationship and I hate that we are at this point still in the dating phase.
I know most girls are more emotional and don't like to jump right into sex; so I even tried massaging her back/shoulders/neck to try to get her into the mood. This works sometimes, but again it's me initiating sex and never her. She said in the past she likes it when I initiate it because she likes knowing I want her, but hey I like that same feeling too!!
I feel we differ in what are needs are; she loves when I hug, hold, and kiss her and I do this for her because I know this is what she likes. But on the other hand; my thing is I like having sex with her and only her, but it's not fair that she gets her needs fufilled but I'm stuck with all this pent up sexual tention.
Lately, she's been saying lets go lay in bed just to cuddle only or she reads a book and then falls asleep, meanwhile I just lay there watching TV. So instead of going to sleep at the same time as her now, I usually put her to sleep but then go back to the living room to watch TV on the big screen.
It's just frustrating because the less sex we have the more I notice how I snap at here for something I would normally just let slide in the past because it wouldn't be worth getting into an arguement over. But in the past when I bring up that we never have sex anymore she comes back with "oh, great thanks for making feel like crap that we don't have sex", and that definitely doesn't help the situation at all.
I just feel our sex drives are at 2 different points; she feels that we have sex just the right amount of times, but I feel like we should be having a lot more...so it's not a win win situation for me.
Any advice on what I can say to her to make her see how important sex is for me; just the way she sees how important hugs/kisses/holding her are to her??
Thank you,