i went with friends out drinking, having fun and met a girl. We shared the night together and i kind of started to like her.
So we had a date the next weekend. But i always come across to keen, to fast and i think that scared her away.
I fall to fast in love and i realise thats not good. I get kind of nervous and can hardly relax in female company that i like.
This weekend i went to a date with a her and the next day i heard off a friend that she is not really having a interest in me.
I believe i scared her away and now its a bit to late to change the situation but i want to try.
Maybe i could give her a message in the middle of the week asking her to go to the pub with our group of friends.
That way i wouldnt exactly be a date and it would give me the opportunity to show her i'm not abit mental.
Any advice for how to deal with the situation and how to change my character would be appreciated.