I love food so much. I also hatehatehatehate it. I've nurtured an unhealthy relationship with it ever since I was a little girl. Years ago I was a ballet dancer (skinny and suffering from unhealthy food/control issues) and when an injury took away that lifestyle I almost immediately gained 50 lbs. After getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship a year later I lost 30 lbs and was ok with my weight but OBSESSED about maintaining it and not gaining any more.
When I was single I was a very unhealthy person. I would over exercise, cut out carbs and meat, and do crazy awful things like limit myself to 1000 calories per day for weeks at a time in order to loose weight fast. This wasn't an everyday occurrence but whenever I would get on the scale and see that I had gained 3-5 lbs, I'd usually start this, freak out, and start obsessing. A part of me was convinced that the last guy who rejected me might not have if I was 10-15 lbs lighter.
Now that I'm not single and someone is telling me I'm beautiful everyday I've falling back on bad habits. I fully embraced food and stopped obsessing so much. My boyfriend LOVES to eat and he also LOVES to feed me. He says "I'm so happy that you eat like a real woman and you don't eat salad food all the time." If I have a choice between going to the gym and killing myself for 2-3 hours or laying on a couch with him and playing video games, guess which one I'll choose. I've been pretty happy not obsessing or even getting on the scale. Exercise went from compulsively EVERYDAY to random/whenever I felt like it.
I recently had a b-day and everyone took pictures. I thought I looked really good the night of. My boyfriend kept telling me so. Afterwards when I looked at the pictures I was SHOCKED by how much weight I've gained in the past 2-3 months. I got on a scale (which I had been avoiding) and I've gained 15 lbs back. I was instantly disgusted and depressed. I had such a great week and now I don't even want to described the negative thoughts I'm having about myself. I'm angry and all those mean horrible things that I could possible hurl at myself through inner dialog have started. I'm know that I'm in a lot of trouble right now. I know where this road leads for me and what kind of actions it opens up. I've had years and years of therapy dedicated just to this. I know what the right thing to do right now is but the biggest, strongest, loudest part of me thinks that if I open the door on getting help right now, I'll be closing the door on losing the weight as quickly as I know I can. I know the smart advice I would give to someone who is in my shoes. I also know what is most important to me, right now, in this moment and it doesn't have anything to do with health and well being.