So, this is kind of puzzling to me. My ex and I have been apart for six months, and are pretty well over the breakup. She's with a new guy, and I've got a couple prospects of my own, etc....
Weirdly enough, we have been able to maintain a basic level of friendship. Actually I'd call it "friendly acquaintances" more so than "friends." IE we have mutual friends and we do talk to each other now and then in a casual manner. Today I realized that she deleted me off her friends list on Xbox Live. But not on Facebook, and she and I were talking on AIM not 20 minutes ago. Now the reason why I find this odd, other than the obvious inconsistency of removing me from there but not Facebook, is that she's in a LDR with a guy that she met through me ON XBOX LIVE. And that is also one of their primary means of "spending time together"...meaning, playing games online with each other. So I'm wondering if maybe he's starting to get jealous that she's still in contact with me or something?
I don't really care, it's not like it ruined my day or anything. Just thought it was of those WTF?? moments lol...what do you guys think?
By the way I realize now this probably shouldn't be in the Broken Hearts section since my Broken Heart has mended itself by now, but whatevs...