I have no agenda, just what I am and what I hold true.
(It's been increasingly under attack by both parties over recent years, or given lip service, yet never upheld)
I challenge anyone to try to smother that.
It exists in me.
It can't be taken away, it can't be legislated nor put to a democratic tyranny.
Hang shit on it if you like, Fras.
I'll never submit.
The whole "tea party/teabagger" bullshit is politics pure an simple.
Step away from it and ask yourself.... can a group steal liberty from an individual?
Can civil rights be civilly removed?
Should someone who holds liberty dear to their heart let a vote or someone other government mandated ruse destroy the very essence of their soul?
That soul used to mirror the state of the United States of America.
Do you really want to assassinate every last pocket of support towards personal sovereignty?
You DON'T have that right.
"No you can't!"