This is going to be long so its a humble request to all to please bear with me and read through completely before giving your suggestions on the matter.
I had a friend(Victor) with whom i used to go out for parties and enjoyed ourselves. he introduced me to a girl named patricia(imaginary) and we started chatting and started in a relationship. she used to visit my place as often as possible to be able to spend more time with me. Now victor was dating Kim(Patricia's cousin sister)after meeting me few times Kim secretly started having liking for me that she started accompanying Patricia whenever she used to come to my place. After two months I and Patricia decided to breakoff due to some family problems from her side. The day Kim learnt that I have broken up with Patricia she proposed to me. Initially we had agreed for a casual relation like going for movies, coffee or just hangin out together. Later she started visiting my place without the presence of Patricia and after some days we got intimate and got into a serious relationship. Please note that she was not working at this point of time. This secret relation was however learnt my Victor and he tried his maximum to take me far from her but I was too blind in the relationship that i started keeping distance with him. and finally he gave up and went out of my life. Now i noticed that this female is good at heart and lot of wrong things have happened to her and accepted her as the way she was. Now just out of my helping nature I did shopping for Kim and also got her a decent job with which she could run her basic expenses and help her family as well. During the relationship she even convinced her family for me who were in the beginning against this relationship and even introduced me to her cousins and other family members. This gave me the confindence and took her for granted that she will not go anywhere sle now and there have been many instances when i actally insulted her in front of common frinds and always used to threaten her by saying that I would break off and get my will done from her. I used to nag her on diffeerent issues and she used to oblige.
Now things started changing when she started sharing her feelings with a guy in her office by the name of Isaac who provided her with the emotional support she needed. So one final she being tired of my nature she decided to break up and immediately started carrying on with Isaac. I started visiting her work and her home and made differnt attempts to get her back to me but she would not listen. I even had a word with her family memebrs and had their full support. Kim in the meantime due to the amount of time spent in office started getting closer to Isaac and even got intimate with him as well. Likewise four months had passed and one day on a team outing one of our common friends made her understand of what she was doing was wrong and convinced her to come back to me which she did. I also without thinking twice accepted her. Later after two weeks i came to know that Kim has not conveyed this decision of hers to isaac and is keeping him in lurch as well and behaving with him at work as if she is his girlfriend. When she meets me she repeatedly said that i have informed Isaac and told him about my decision. I found something wrong in her story, so I took the initiative of meeting Isaac and making him aware of the situation. Now we all met a number of times to actually get to know what she wants and the reason as to why she is playing the double game with both of us. when asked Isaac as to why he is not moving out, he said she is making commitments to him everyday as to her willingness to be with him and also because of the physical part. Kim also admitted to the fact of what she had done saying that she had no idea that she would be coming back to me. She alos mentioned couple of times of her disinterest in me but had to be with me beacuse of her family. This contunued for some months and by the end of Jan this year we had already me 16 times to solve out the matter and get her make a decision.
Now due to my father being frequent ill health conditon I had to leave my work and come back to my family at a differnt place. Now before leaving I had tried making it clear to Kim that this relationship would not work and I think that she would be more happy with isaac. But she created a cry by coming to my home breaking the cups, burning her clothes and not leaving my house etc till i agreed. After coming to delhi everything was okay for a month and then this thing started again. She started making stories for which there was no logical reasoning and sometimes when asked questions as to where she had gone, with whom, when are her weekly offs she started hiding things from me and telling different stories which had no heads or tails. a I had lost the trust in her as well because of the reason what she had done. When asked her about her problems she said she was missing me very much and is missing the times which she spent and enjoyed with me. Now even her family is putting restrictions on her going out as I am not there with her. On her request i booked tickets to go and be with her for four days and spend quality time with her. I also took approval from my work as well for the same. Kim now started getting frustrated with me asking her questions always and due to my always suspicious behaviour. In the meantime I out of my frustration informed her brother who is abroad of his sisters activities and her continuing to be with Isaac and try the maximum possible to spend time with him and going for outings etc. He came heavily on her and told her to come abroad and stay with him and complete her studies there itself. That way he can keep and eye on her and he can plan for our marriage next year .Kim blamed me for the doings and of my always suspicious nature have started losing the interest once again and now treats me as if she is doing a favour to me by even talking to me. She is now not intersted in talking and says things like she now is not even interested in being in a relationship anymore.

The problem comes when one part of me says to leave her and let her bethe way she wants and the other part says to give her another chance as it is my first relationship.Her family would think of me as a cheat who had been playing with their and their daughters feelings for more than two years now. Confused as what is to be done.
Please suggest what I should do to solve out the matter??
Last edited by lino2dance; Today at 10:01 AM.