I've been talking to this girl on facebook for well over a year now. She knows I'm interested in her, thats what got us started, but we're just sort of friends I guess. We normally talk often, but definitely not everyday. She used to respond maybe the same day or no longer than a few days, but for the past couple months its been taking her like over a week to respond to me, but she does answer back and makes some excuse. Well, now its been almost 3 weeks and still no answer but shes been active on the site and has been talking to her friends on the "wall" thing. She always says sorry and that she been busy or forgets to answer or something, but theres no excuse for not answering for 3 weeks especially if shes been on there. I even have to remind her sometimes. When we first started this she said wouldn't mind getting to know me more and that we should be friends first before anything, which I agreed with. Do you think shes loosing interest in me and doesn't want to say anything? Its not like I'm always bothering her and I know school should come first, we're both in college. Its about a 30min drive away.