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Thread: here it goes...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    here it goes...

    So, I'm almost certain that this will be a long post as I have never told anyone about this as I'm not really the social type of guy with these kind of things. Last year was my freshman year in high school, and I really try to stay away from the relationship thing because it's just too much extra to worry about. However, about the middle of last year I was at the fair with some friends and noticed a girl who looked very familiar, come to find out the next day she was in my english/ civics double period class. Well, about a month later I get stuck in a project group with her and some other people, and she turns out to be really nice. At this point I realize I like her. Now, I never really talked to her very much because I'm very shy, and she seemed to be to. Anyway, a few months closer to the end of freshman year, some of her friends come up to me and do this thing called a zap on my hand (you write a persons name on someone else's hand and if they try to look at the name before the specified time they have to ask the person out) Well, can you guess whose name was on my hand? If you guessed it was this girl then you were right. I suspected that maybe she kinda liked me to and was trying to get a rise out of me. But, as I am shy and too stupid to do anything about it, I never said anything to her. From this point on though, she seemed to pass me in the halls a lot during class changes. It's now sophomore year and were again in a double history/ english class together. She hasn't talked to me very much at all this year, but she does still pass me in the halls a lot... up until recently. I get the sense that she's been avoiding me, although she could have forgotten about me long ago since she hasn't talked to me much anyway. I just don't really know... I'm usually calm about pretty much everything, but this is kinda a loose end and I don't know what to do, it annoys me a little that I feel so bent out of shape out of something so small, I guess that's just my personality though. I am not always pessimistic and negative, but i am about things I'm really not familiar with like relationships and things.

    PS (THIS IS ONE VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL I FORGOT TO MENTION): My dad is a math teacher at my high school, and this year she has him... which makes it a billion times more awkward than it already is. Funny situation huh?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    As a Shy teenager myself, I think you need to man-up and ask her out. Live your life and dont let the shy excuse slow you down
    "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better loking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doing the best that I can." Mac Davis

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