Left a 16 year marriage over 2 years ago. Did not date for a year. but in the last year and a half I have gotten in to two relationships and gotten my heart broke twice... for the same reason. Every woman that I have dated has been abused by men from their past. And because of this I feel they carry trust issues into our new relationship. Because of this I get accused of things that I never did, and when I try to reassure them that I respect their feelings, but their accusation is not true... the refuse to believe my word and seem to hold onto their feeling with a death grip.
I am so tired of jumping through hoops of trust for women that seem to not have overcome their past. Perhaps I would not mind jumping through the hoops so much if it actually instilled complete trust in me as time goes by... but the unfair statements and accusations that are not correct and cannot be changed by communication is just a deal breaker for me.
So now I am once again heartbroken... did my best... gave my all... was honest and respectful... and no matter how hard I tried, I could not earn her trust. I am just tired of meeting women who put on a great front of being issue and baggage free, then when I get to know them a little I see they have problems like the rest of us... the difference is that I can and do admit that I have issues I am working on and they pretend to be perfect.
I feel my heart turning to stone against women, and I cannot allow that to happen! I do not want to become like the women that I have dated... so damaged from past relationships that I cannot completely trust and make my next girlfriend jump through hoops of trust just like I have been made to do.
When I get my heart broken I take generally a year off from dating to work on myself and allow time for the pain to be healed. But I am 45 and no longer wish to take such a long pause from dating. Time is of the essence and I want to find a woman to spend my life with before I am 50!
When it comes to trust, I trust women that I date to be honest and trustworthy until they prove themselves otherwise. But all the women I date trust no one until enough hoops of trust are jumped through and this can take an indeterminate amount of time. Are there any women out there that just trust?
For all you old school D&D players out there... please cast a Stone to Flesh spell on my heart... because I feel it turning to stone...