Getting Straight to the point , There's a girl i really love , i mean REALLY love.
Am 19 and this is the first time I've experience such feelings and i really fell for it.....
We became good friends, but i was mad so i told her my feelings about after a month , and she asked me to never talk to her.
She also told me that she never expected this from me as she considered me as a good friend and that i never understood her as she always considered me as a good friend.
After that i literally begged for a second chance , she gave me but she always had that thought in her mind about me that i wasn't a good guy, so she was really angry every-time and so it didn't last.
I was really desperate at that time it seems when i ponder now over what i did at that time, and hence the fault was all mine since she doesn't have any faults.
After that there wasn't any contact for the next month and i tried to forget her , but i couldn't and all taht i could do was cry day and night .
Slowly and slowly i gave up eating food and my social life and presently I'm just completely pessimistic.
At the day when i told her my feelings , and she didn't even care for me , i even contemplated suicide but then left he idea pretty soon (Though i wrote this to her and she talked and tried to persuade me too ).
I can't stop thinking of her and every moment i just think about her , i get nightmares everyday.
And whenever i see her with someone else i don't get angry, i get more depressed(at which step i think i can't get any more depressed ,but i do get ).
If i just say hi to her , she would reply and then ignore me completely and talk to other people.
It's been 7 bloody months and i don't know how long this will take
Thanks for reading :'(