So...this is something that has been bothering me all week, and is gross on many, many levels but I am concerned...
Last Sunday my dad called to ask me if he could borrow my luggage for an upcoming business trip. I brought the luggage by my parent's house that evening and stayed for dinner. After dinner my mom and I had some wine while my dad packed for his trip and went to bed early. As I was leaving, I remembered that in my large suitcase I had forgotten to remove the stash of tampons I keep in the outside pocket. I wasn't really thinking about it, and opened up the pocket to remove the tampons only to discover (horror upon horrors), my dad's Viagra prescription.
At first I was disturbed at the mere though of my dad even taking Viagra, but then I realized there as another, even more horrifying level to this....he was taking Viagra on a business trip-without my mother! So...not only is he taking Viagra, he is taking it with him when he leaves town without his wife.
Is there a valid reason he might have been taking the pills? Is this a sure sign he is cheating on my mom? They have been married for 35 years, and I have never seen any signs that either of them has strayed.