Recently I've taken a new path in life. A path of self improvement.
I registered with at a local community college and am taking a few classes of which I've always been curious or I think can enlighten me. Joined a gym and its been a good 3 weeks and I am already seeing physical results and I seem to have my chill-ax on. Nice feeling after you work out. Whatever was stressing me that day seems to not be so bad after throwing around some Iron...
Coinciding with these improvements a small host of very neat opportunities have arisen. Its really true what you put out you get back. Long story short I've made a lot of money recently. Some good money is coming down the line too... Just gota be patient.
My confidence is way up. I am seeing things in life a lot more pragmatically and clearly.
Its taken me over a year and a lot of bad dates but now I am finally realizing what I want in a woman. I know what attracts me but finding that in a woman who isn't crazy... I don't want to settle but I feel like my "standard" is unrealistic...
I like women who can design... Who are creative and artistically inclined. Women who have gone to college, are confident, are pursuing a dream who have life experiences but not baggage holding them back. Women who are kind and appreciative who aren't mean, cruel, controlling or vengeful toward dick. I like the ease and confidence that come with Persian/Euro types. I've dated a couple...
I am sick and tired of dating women with no ambition... No creativity who work at a bar/grocery store/star bucks or other Mc.Job that could be replaced by a robot or vending machine...
As I write this I realize the only thing holding me back from what I seek is my own lack of faith that there is a woman out there like this. Just seems to me a woman with these qualities would have a plethora of guys to choose from and would take the one with the most money who is easiest to push around... That or the the poorest and biggest douche bag. I've noticed "togeather" women LOVE assholes with no job who treat them like shit...
I know I just gotta keep faith... I have to keep the lessons of my life experiences and shed my own baggage... Just gotta ignore that nagging voice in the back of my head saying "If she existed you would have met her by now." and "Live to the standards to attract a woman of her calibur but be ready to settle for considerably less" ...