Looks matter but not in the way that most guys think. Any guy can look decent if he spent some time on his hair and wardrobe.
There is an idea I would like to challenge. Incredibly good looking men may not trade down, but generally neither do the women. I'd like to be able to show you how men will trade looks above the minimum requirement for personality as preference.
Show me a complete bitch who is hot.
Show me a girl who is not hot but still gives me a boner. I'd take the non-bitch and I think most other men would too.
Shit, BG, even your answer is subjective. Everybody is different, and their likes and dislikes are different too. And there are also different levels of "hot-ness", too.
Just because people on here say it does not make it so for the rest of the population.
You just said it yourself, they made 'decent' incomes. Now what is decent to a little rich girl ? 100k, 200k, 300k ? To me 55k is decent, to others that is in the poor house.
The problem with being nice and sweet is that you end up getting used by girls. This guy who was nice and sweet was probably also good looking and never had issues getting women in the first place.
No one has really answered my question about why girls are so picky about looks.
BG, you may know what you like, but you don't know dick about Anthropology. Slender people have only been thought attractive within the last 50 years. In ALL cultures, from the beginning of time, heavy set people have been the ideal. fat=rich=wellfed=healthy. If you need proof I can get you thousands of references. What you find attractive is only your opinion, therefore.... subjective.
I only date ugly guys. They are more appreciative of me.
Thousands of references can bite my dick. It possibly only takes one decent and accurate reference to blow the rest out of the water.
Thats a load of bullox... ever had a look at some of the old art works around the place depicting attractive women ? None of them are chief squating lady, they're all relatively slender. While the modern perception of skinny as attractive is recent and a bit crazy, big fat hubber chubbers have never been hot.
What is attractive about a person that needs 4 times the food and can't do any work because she is so fat ?
In certain african cultures obesity may be attractive but I am pretty sure we're not an african culture.
Last edited by BoredGeorge; 26-01-10 at 07:19 PM.
If you care to look, pretty much all artwork from Greece, Rome, France, England, and most other countries depict large "juno-esque", women, up to around the 1920's. The two things that changed our preception about beauty were the Great depression, and Medical science. The Depression, because many women were thinner and poorly nourished, and Medical science, because we began to realize that obesity was a health hazzard. You can get pissed off, but facts are facts.
They're not twigs, but they're not fat either.
well, looks only get people so far. it's nice to be pretty or handsome but it's much better to have an education and be gainfully employed/employable. looks fade. some girls do only go for looks, but they usually suffer in the end for it.
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.
Girls don't really go for looks that much, they're more interested in "cool". Plenty of good looking guys don't get much action,
Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.
I think that when you're insecure about anything your fear of it is magnified ten times more than the reality. In other words, the guy who is afraid he's too ugly for most women is going to think that women are overly picky about looks.
Either way, BG, you seem to be convinced that this is true even though many people here are telling you it's not (or at least that women aren't any pickier than men), but you are going to think the way you want to think about it.
“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin
I'm also with Perry in that looks are so highly subjective and women are all so different, the question is difficult to answer.
“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin