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Thread: sent a hate email to my ex

  1. #1
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    sent a hate email to my ex

    Just was so much in pain that I couldnt help but send him a hate message (its been two months since we broke up)...

    I still can go to his email and delete it..just I feel he should read how he made me feel....what should I do?

    here is the email

    just a hate email that I couldnt resist but send..
    to someone who really destroyed me..to that person who made me believe I'm everything in his life ..
    I just hate you...hate you because you made me believe I'm loved for four years and then walked away coldly

    I hate you because you gave me fake hopes in life and I hate you because you left me behind and feeted on how I feel..

    I hate you because I feel like I'm dying alone here, crying alone, and feeling the pain alone and you just away in your life..

    Just I'm afraid...afraid to die of this heart pain..because I never felt something like this in my whole life....because I loved you because I believed one day that you loved me..

    Because I dreamed and had faith and you took all that away...and because I cant stop crying....

    Just I will never forgive you

    I hate you from the very deep of my heart for making me love you and I will never forgive the way you dumped me..

    enjoy your hellish life

  2. #2
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
    Petit Papillon is offline Napinacz
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    Find a bit of pride in Yourself and go to his mailbox and delete it... Belive me it will be better ....

    There is a thread on the forum where You can write the things that You would like to say to Your ex without sending it to him. It helps... I will provide You with link in a moment

    Here it is:


    Delete the mail as soon as possible.
    I wazzzz here

  3. #3
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    I did delete it...but I feel horrible and havnt stopped crying since ever we broke up...and really afraid that I cant take it anymore

  4. #4
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    It happens honey... Try to be a bit stronger. Trust me , this feeling will go away soon. And when You overcome this break up, You will feel as strong as never.
    I wazzzz here

  5. #5
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    It gets better over time. Sometimes fast, sometimes slowly. I am still having a hard time moving forward in my life, and I totally understand that you are too. Try to keep contact to a minimal or none at all.

  6. #6
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    Thanks dear , those words are a bit inspiring ..I'm trying my best...each time I feel better, I remember the past and fall apart again but yes I will

    Was my first seriouse relationship thats why it hurts

  7. #7
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    Everybody was through this. I was too. I felt exactly the same You did, I thought my world did fall apart. But I made it . And You can too.Everybody can, if they want strong enough.

    My Grandma would say, it will hurt and hurt and it will stop. Hang in there
    I wazzzz here

  8. #8
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    I know how that is. Thinking about the past is very difficult. I try to keep myself busy with friends and family, and it seems to help. When I have alone time is when my emotions get stirred up again.

  9. #9
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    You know what? Go to this thread I gave You link. Write everything You hate about him .Write an e-mail like You would write to him . Spit all of the hatred You have towards him. Maybe the stone from Your heart will fall,even just a bit
    I wazzzz here

  10. #10
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    Jan 2010
    I concur. That thread Pettit-Papillon told you is really helpful to vent out emotions. And be patient. It takes time to heal the wound but you will eventually come to a point when you can still remember feeling the pain, but you don't feel the pain itself.

  11. #11
    Illusional's Avatar
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    you should let go and forget about him. because... when he gets those hate mails, he's only going to laugh at you for being in pain. i would do the same thing, because it shows that i've gotten over you, and you're still lingered about me like a little puppy... it's sad.

    from that mind set, how do you feel about sending hate mails now?

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  12. #12
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    yeh, we all know exactly what you feel. I also broke up with my girlfriend about a month ago, and if i were to write a letter to her, I would take your letter and send it , word by word it is what me, and most of the people in the forum felt. The most hurtful thing is that your ex would not care, most likely he already moved on and for him reading somehing like this would be nothing more than annoying and its gonna push him even more away, he would thing that u r kind of obssesive psycho or something...well maybe not exactly that but it would drive him away and would degrade you. Try to stay strong for some time, it does get better with time, dont give him that satisfaction to see that you are still stuck on him.
    The best revenge is to get better, move with your life and always to improve yourself, it would also help you to set future goals so you could move up in life. Something that helped me was setting future goals towards a better career, it provides you with distraction from thinking about your ex, gives you confidence that is now shatterd, future hopes, and keeps you somewhat busy.
    But it doesn't have to be a career change, just try to make a long term commitment for an importat goal, it would help.
    Just remember to be strong, we are here for you if you need help, remember you are not the only one who feels this way, most of us feel exactly like you, its just some are in a more advance stage, and you also going to get there in some time, and the pain will subside.

  13. #13
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    Thanks all for the support, you know it gave me great support.

    Just it hurts..it hurts because when I want to set my goals I remember how he used to teach me how to set goals, when I want to manage my time I remember all his techniques ..

    When I want to have break fast I remember his receipe...and when I want to do sport I remember all what he said to me...

    When I see kittens I remember how much he loved kittens....and when I read books I find him in every single word that I read...

    and his figure is haunting me in every little detail in my life.....

    Just writing a small post like this get me all emotional again

    The only time I'm feeling calm is the time I'm doing nothing because doing nothing help me not to remember him...

    Sounds cheesy but thats what's happening with me

  14. #14
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    And to make it all stop...Just stop to think about it. Do something else for breakfast, change sport, start to love dogs All depends on You, the time in which You get over this breakup will just depend on how fast You change the way of thinking.Start by the things You hated about him. When You realize that he was rather bad than good it will be faster for You to get over it.
    Now hate him and by the time You realize You have any feelings for him (no love no hate),that he's whatever to You, it will mean that it's over.
    I wazzzz here

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Right now, I'm going through the same kind of thing. The best response always is: show that you can be happy without him/her. This will hurt him/her more than anything else.
    Try to look forward to that.


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