So I've been hanging out with a group of guys whom I'm just starting to get to know. None of them have GF's and they all are at the peak of their game. I'm just getting back into being single again and I'm able to pull girls but I still need some work and experience.
Sat night I was talking to this absolutely gorgeous girl with loong curly blonde hair. I've got a thing for curly hair. She was on my arm all night long, we made out a couple times, danced all night...etc. She texted me around 2:30 am after we had parted ways " I had so much fun with you tonight we should do it again sometime!"
Awesome, but here is where I probably screwed it up. After she texted me I called her like 3 times apparently. She finally called me back and we talked for like 5 mins (dont remember about what) I texted her some random drunk stuff after that asking where she was at. I told her she was "outta control hott" and she said "aww ur sweet".
Sunday morning I texted her apologizing for the flurry of texts and calls. She didn't respond. I called her this morning to see what was up, she didn't answer. I left a voicemail for her to "make my day and call me back" (so dumb) Come to find out one of the dudes we were hanging out with also got her number and she texted him on Sunday.
I screwed it up somewhere along the line. I'm not calling or texting her ever again I guess? Maybe after like 2 weeks?
I know we had an awesome night, is it that much of a possibility that some drunk dialing/texts totally screwed my chances up? In addition to my buddy being on his A+++ game? (Dude is good looking and banged hundreds of women and is a man whore, his game is tight)