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Thread: advice please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    advice please!

    Hi there, this is a long story, ill try and cut it short...

    Im 32 years old, 14 years ago, I met a man, who was my very frightening boss at the time!.
    I worked with him, very closely, for 7 years, he made me excellent at my job, initially i was terriefiedof him, and used to cry when i had to work with him. I grew to respect him and what he'd helped me become.

    I never found him attractive at first, but when it was our first christmas work do, i showed up, dressed to the nines, his eyes popped out of his head!!, and so began a flirtatious relationship between us.
    He is a muslim, and had an arranged marriage to a woman who, obviously, i thought wasnt good enough for him.
    During this time, she always insisted on coming to the christmas work do's, and my boss and i always sat next to each other, and with the alcohol flowing, we would tend to firt ih each other.
    He would show much interest in my love life and would get concerned and tell me that my current bfriend wasnt good enough etc.
    I left to pursue my career and he was behind me all the way, i would often pop into my old place of work and he would be all over me.
    His business partner got married and i and my boss (and his wife) went to the reception, I couldnt bare how i felt, so when i was drunk, i tole him i saw him as a father figure, his face dropped, i wanted to protect him, and myself, i couldnt bare for it to carry on.
    The years past, and he went on to have 3 children with his 'arranged wife', each child tore a hole in my heart, as i knew he was less and less likely to leave her.
    Then, about 6 months ago, i heard his first born child, a son, was gravely ill with a brain tumour, my heart broke for him, i couldnt bare to think of him in such pain. i had to let him know i was there for him, i sent him a card, h sen me a text message to sy thank you.
    I kept my distance, to let him and his family cope with things, then i started to dream about hm, every night..
    I rang a friend who still works with him and she told me he is getting divorced, and isnt coping very well at all. again my heart broke to hear that he was struggling, i text him and he replied straight away saying we will meet up 'when the dust settles', i told him i was here for him always...
    I cant stop thinking about him, i know i can only wait now, but what would you do??
    Theres a song from 'my best friends wedding'
    The lyrics are exactley how i feel...
    'You give your hand to me, and then you say 'hello',
    and i can hardly speak, my heart is beating so,
    and anyone can tell, you think you know me well, but you dont know me...

    'you dont know the one who dreams of you night, and longs to kiss your lips, and longs to hold you tight, and anyone can tell you think you know me well, but you dont know me...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Well, if he's getting a divorce, whats stopping you? Of course you have to be respectful to his situation with his youngest, but I dont see the harm in you being there for him and seeing how things may work out between the two of you. Its probably still a delicate matter though.

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