Hey everyone, I am trying to keep this post as short as possible, but I am a bit confused atm...
I met my boyfriend last year in Summer when I moved into our Houseshare (we're both still living there). I liked him right from when I met him and we spent hours and hours in the living room talking. It screwed up everything, I went to bed way to late, didn't get into work on time and so on. Then one night we had a party in our house and we kind of ended up together in bed (calm down, nothing really naughty happened ). Well, I left early cause I couldn't sleep anymore, he thought I wasn't interested in him, well it took us another month or so until we started going out.
This whole process was quite difficult because we were obviously already living in the same house, but we got around all of these difficulties quite quickly. We had good and bad times and a lot of discussions as well... but we're still here and love each other. We also still have our own space (as in I have my own bedroom but rarely sleep in there). Oh I forgot to mention that there is a big age gap of 19 yrs between us which has never been a problem for us, he doesn't behave like 39 and I surely don't behave like your average 20 year-old.
Well, now the problem... Since this Summer (we have been going out for about a year) things slowly started changing. We had less sex cause I was exceptionally busy at work (I work with kids and they manage to suck all your energy out so that your close to dead when you get home ). Well and since this autumn every time we try to have sex, well, he just goes soft when we're actually about to do it. It has been very frustrating for both of us. If that happened in the first year we would just laugh it off - but for some reason we don't think its funny anymore.
The other night it happened again and I just couldn't take it anymore and was dealing with it very professionally - I broke down and cried, felt awful and just wanted to get away blaming me for everything. So we finally talked about it and my bf said that he feels like our relationship is kind of more serious and less fun as it used to be. This has completely bedazzled me as I don't know what to do now. If you're going out for a year and a half and pretty much live together for the same time - what are things supposed to be like. I still want to have sex, so does he, we have no problem to get started - but we never finish (well not as we planned to anyways).
I would just like to hear some advice... maybe anybody has been through the same stage or has a bf who had a similar problem... anything really.