I'm still pregnant. Somebody just shoot me and put me out my misery!
..::.*Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to*.::..
I woke up even sicker than yesterday!!!! My tonsils hurt like a crap and my nose is dry like a shit. URGGGG I hate to be sick!! And I go to Spain tomorrow... Why me
I wazzzz here
The thing is each few years doctors change their mind about tonsils... First they say tonsils aren't needed at all so it's better to remove them. And then after few years they change their mind and say tonsils are important for immune system etc etc... Whatever My tonsils are swollen and I feel annoyed by this fact... Besides I have small nosebleed and my nose is sooo dry :/ I hate it...
I wazzzz here
I know, but to give you a better understanding, I was way underweight, so much that people were wondering if my mother was feeding me. I had a fever all the time, and because my throat was swollen, just wouldn't eat.
I think I gained like 10 pounds right after their removal.
I guess that it's contributed to my allergies, but that's minor compared to starvation.
Hehe but You can eat ice creams ,how much You want, and it doesn't hurt.
I asked my mum again why exactly some doctors say to leave tonsils .She said it's because all infections stay on tonsils instead of going to lungs etc .And Actually it's right, if I'm sick it's always my tonsils ,I really don't remember last time it went further... But still... If I don't cure this now it might go bad like last january... I had 40 C degrees all night,tonsils were so swollen that I couldn't drink or eat and plus I was completely alone at home and besides no other medicines than aspirine... That was my worst night ever
I wazzzz here
Good remedy for sore throat i learnt from my time in Poznan:
1/3 honey, 1/3 lemon and 1/3 vodka - as often as required. As it's Christmas time, I'd change the vodka ratio accordingly
What annoyed me today: my sister acting selfish again because she's scared and too bull-headed to change....this issue has been going on for like 20 years and it's so stupid because at the end of the day she's upseting my mum & dad really (and they don't deserve it)
It was a year ago. And since then I wasn't sick THAT bad. And I'm still not. That what I have now is nothing. I used to be so sick that I couldn't breathe at night plus my stupid doctor was giving me bad antibiotics for a month and it was just getting worse and worse to a point where I was sleeping 2 hours a day and had caugh attack with breathing problems. I changed the doctor, changed diagnose,changed medicine and after 2 days I was healthy. Imagine I was so exhausted that the first night on new medicines I was sleeping 16 hours hehehe.
I wazzzz here
DAAAAAMNNN I'm even more sick... I can't stand my ****ing nose it hurts soo bad... And I take a flight in few hours...
I wazzzz here
Snip snip.
I`m happy and all that but the flight was terrible, I had such a big headaches ,I never had before. Even gum and plastic cups o ears didn`t work. Oh well I still don`t hear quite well on my left ear... plus I`m spitting with yellow alien,the same monster sits in my nose... Yeah I`m definately sick... But **** it. People, the weather is soo nice It`going to be 18°C today, and it`s suuuuunny ,heheh .Yes,envy me. Caugh,caugh...
I wazzzz here