When I was younger I "KNEW" I was going to go to University... I was so excited for it.
Well I've graduated from highschool and have been living in an apartment and working for a few years now.
I'm currently moving out of my boyfriends apartment and I'm preeettty certain that although we said we were going to stay together...it definately feels like he's going to break up with me. (Which, from my other posts, might not be so bad for me! It's just hard when you've been with someone for 2 years and love them)
Anyways, I'm moving in with my dad, travelling to Europe and staying there for 2 months next summer.. and then when I get back....well..
This is what I'm deciding... Do I go to school, or keep working.
I've decided that my bf (maybe ex bf?) can't supply me with the affection I need, So it doesn't matter which path I choose, I'm going to buy a dog
Then I wont be so lonely and I'll be in a better mind-frame to accomplish things.
(You may find this a little rediculous..) But there's actually something deep down inside me that's troubling me about 2012. Also with Global warming... it's kind of stressing me out.. I feel like if I go to school I'm ignoring the problem and not doing my part. For some reason I feel like I have this HUGE responsibility that I have to live up to that involves more than just recycling
. ...it..doesn't really make sense to me because I really don't see me being in the power to do anything major... So why would I feel this? What can I possibly do to help solve this WORLD ISSUE? And if I'm actually feeling all this earth friendly stuff about my life because of 2012... There REALLY ISNT anything I can do because 2012 isn't all about global warming it's a about us lining up with the center of the galaxy and the earths axis changing and aparently mass-chaos and natural disasters around the planet.
Nature living out it's
cycles. It's the order of the Universe that we live in and there's nothing we can do about it and if it happens..well there you go the Earth is protecting itself from the destruction of humans anyway.
But if I go into post secondary I feel like I'm just following the norm and not making a difference.
I umm.. I don't usually tell people this but seeing as how we all have secret identities on here anyways I might as well....
I see myself dying at a rather young age. It just reaaallly doesn't feel like I'm going to make it to 50 lol. Now, if theres 2012 chaos, that makes perfect sense! But ... If I die young.. going to school makes me feel like I'm not living my life to it's full potential..
At the same time, right now all I want in life is to see the countries of my heritage (hence europe next summer) and when I come back I'm buying the dog of my dreams. And...right now that's all I want. I want to play my flute and be happy. If I was going to be working, it would be with music... if I was going to school... it would be with music...
SO WHAT THE HELL IS MY PROBLEM. There's nothing I can do about the fate of our planet other than take care of my own footprints. What am I so afraid of??? Wasting life?? I'll be doing everything I love.. why do I feel somethings missing?
*Sigh* Thanks! I really needed to be honest about that to someone.