is it okay to give your trust to someone who have once betrayed you?
is it okay to give your trust to someone who have once betrayed you?
leopards can change their spots, I know this for a fact.
however, only you can know if you're able to handle the fact that the past will reside in your mind. if you're a forgiving soul and really care for who hurt you, it's worth a try imo. just don't let it happen repeatedly or you're just being a sucker.
No one is perfect yan, it depends on the circumstances and the betrayal imo. It's all relative rather than just giving a simple yes or no answer.
It depends on how strong your relationship and love was before the betrayal. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Expect the best but prepare for the worst. This means sure, you can trust them, but don't be an idiot about it.
Spammer Spanker
You can trust but doubt might always exist.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."