Hello everyone,
I have posted in this forum in the past (around 4 months ago) and have decided to revisit to request some advice/help for those that have been in the same situation that I am currently going through.
Simply put : I have recently deemed myself (by a good friend) that I am in an emotionally abusive relationship.
Not-so-simply put :
My girlfriend and I are currently just passed the one year marker of our relationship. Things on the outside seem great: we appear happy, contented and loving toward each other. On the inside? I am being controlled and am the victim of abuse.
Case and point; my parents have invited me to spend a three day trip with them to Las Vegas (I'm currently 21) and I had told them I would. When my girlfriend found out about this excursion, and the fact that she would not be joining me, she was more than a little irritated. I eventually told her that I didn't want to go, to end a potentially nasty fight. Bad idea, I know, but allow me to explain.
She undermines my self-esteem on a regular basis, I am expected to attend all of the things that she wants to do without any reciprocation, I feel like I have to walk on emotional eggshells with her to please her and avoid conflict, I feel trapped in a relationship. I want to tell her how I feel, but it seems that the storm that would ensue would be too much for the relationship to bear.
I don't think it's too much to ask that I take this trip with my family, especially considering I haven't spent any quality time with them alone for several (around 6 or more) months.
If anyone is willing to give me advice, please do so! I am at the brink here and am in need of some outside assistance!
Wandering Author