they are all the same, he aint no saint as the media and population initially made him out to be-the frikin savior me ass. he has made a huge error by publically blocking fox news. the media are backing them up in outrage. he thinks he can do and say as he pleases and no-one will say anything coz he's the 'savior'...bullshit. he needs to let someone who has a backbone take over. biden is obviously in charge, look at the poland backtrack biden agreed to instead of complying with what stupid obama says. he is actually stupid like all the puppets before him and it's an absolute insult to previous nobel winners that he was given such a prestigious prize for doing absolutely fck all except maybe being black. looking different does NOT mean he is different.
Last edited by ecojeanne; 26-10-09 at 11:54 PM.
Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching