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Thread: I suck with women so much, long post, need help and lots of it

  1. #31
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole View Post
    by the way, I'm still waiting for you to explain what about the video struck you as manipulative and loaded with inconsistencies. Dem some pretty harsh words with no substance to back them up. Any excuse to avoid an explanation is simply an admittance on your part that you spoke before you thought and got caught
    Please. Spare the reverse psych. You just aren't smart enough. I already said: you can't afford me, kid.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  2. #32
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    IndiReloaded says:

    "No Neo, I was kind. You have never experienced this, so you don't know what you are talking about. Its something your highlighter type girls can't be bothered with. I can understand why, you immediately devolve to insults when things aren't going your way."

    another lame response: "you've never experienced this. So you don't know what you are talking about." If you want to play that silly game, then you've never experienced where I'm coming from. So you don't know what you're talking about. Now there's a barrier preventing us from understanding each other, but it's a trap that you set up - not me.

    I don't know why you keep bringing up the highlighter girl. I asked her for a highlighter and she couldn't be bothered to talk. It figures an irrational person such as yourself would convolute this to further your agenda against me and PUAs.

    "You are a hypocrite, btw. You admit to "game" but couldn't handle when someone actual one-ups you & calls you on it. Of course you would walk away--your ego wouldn't permit anything else."

    1) how does acting like a pompous b*tch constitute "one-upping" someone?
    2) what makes you think it's acceptable behavior to mock someone who was only trying to talk to you?
    3) what makes you think walking away has anything to do with ego?

    "This is what you don't understand about what the gentleman did & why it was such a classy finish to our dance. I did him an immense favour, actually, and we did have a nice chat. But it was his choice to make certain incorrect assumptions. The outcome from that was his responsibility and he accepted it, much more gracefully than running away with his legs b/t his legs like you would apparently do. LOL."

    you assume my reason for walking away would be a bruised ego. Don't project your issues onto me just b/c that's what you would do in a similar situation.

  3. #33
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    IndiReloaded says:

    "Please. Spare the reverse psych. You just aren't smart enough. I already said: you can't afford me, kid."

    old lady, I feel sorry for you if you need to lie to make yourself feel better. Your words are all fluff and no substance. I have yet to see anything remotely intelligent from you.

  4. #34
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    theres to much to read in your guy's argument.... but i like how neoseminol's mood is devilish. like those desserts with the word devil in it...i think theres a doughnut called devil's food old fashioned doughnut...those are the best...but fattening...

  5. #35
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    I was going to answer your questions, Neo but all you can do now is insult. Sad, Neo. But, a good example for the OP of the type of person who uses this PUA stuff.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  6. #36
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    IndiReloaded says:

    "I was going to answer your questions, Neo but all you can do now is insult. Sad, Neo. But, a good example for the OP of the type of person who uses this PUA stuff."

    haha, such bullshit. You keep pointing out my age, calling me "young" and "kid." I find it hard to believe your reason for not answering me is b/c I called you "old."

  7. #37
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    shouldn't you be in bed? I thought old people go to sleep early.

  8. #38
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    Attractive women are usually not good people so I'd just forget about them. Women turn into complete and utter retards when it comes to men so don't worry about it. They're all just stupid.

  9. #39
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    I dont agree with a lot of these posts. I dont think that you should comprimise who you are and make adjustments to your personality. Dont rush into things, if you find the right woman she will appreciate you for who you genuinely are.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Attractive women are usually not good people so I'd just forget about them. Women turn into complete and utter retards when it comes to men so don't worry about it. They're all just stupid.
    Oh, put a sock in it, bitchy. You don't have enough relationship experience to draw these conclusions.
    Spammer Spanker

  11. #41
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    breal59 says:

    "I dont agree with a lot of these posts. I dont think that you should comprimise who you are and make adjustments to your personality. Dont rush into things, if you find the right woman she will appreciate you for who you genuinely are."

    horrible mentality to live your life by. Then why bother working out? Why bother getting an education? Why do anything that would potentially better yourself? After all, you should be happy with yourself and people should accept you for who you are. </sarcasm> Good luck with that attitude!

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by breal59 View Post
    I dont agree with a lot of these posts. I dont think that you should comprimise who you are and make adjustments to your personality. Dont rush into things, if you find the right woman she will appreciate you for who you genuinely are.
    Good for you, Breal. Respecting yourself for who you are and wanting to improve yourself are not mutually exclusive.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by selke View Post
    Never been good with women. In the past 5 years I've had 3 girlfriends both last under 6 months. I'm not a really social guy so that's my problem. As I get older I see my friends get into serious relationships and I really want that, but I'm just so bad when it comes to speaking to a girl, I don't even want to try anymore. Hell my best friend is having a kid with his girlfriend of 3 years. That's some scary shit right there.

    I'm 20, still a virgin. I don't even care about the fact I'm a virgin, and this freaks out some of my buddies. I seriously want a girl that I can talk to about anything, just cuddle with, and hold her and all that shit and the sex will come eventually.

    One night stand seems really fun and I'll definitely do it if the opportunity ever comes...but I don't have high hopes for that.

    Before I get into a relationship, I guess I gotta start talking to girls. I'm so bad at that. I can never keep a conversation going. I don't want to talk about boring stuff either. I can tell when I'm not interesting a girl with what I'm saying and I'll usually change the subject right after. What do girls like talking about. I know they love talkng about themselves, but how do I bring that up? How was your day? that stuff gets old and I can't repeat it all the time. I need tips on how to have a decent conversation with women. A good conversation, nothing meaningless.

    I know a few girls, and I get put into the friend zone, which for any guy trying to get a relationship, the friend zone is pure evil. I hate the friend zone. You can never get out of the friend zone, and if there is a way, which I seriously doubt, but if there is a way....the guy who does it is a God that needs to be worshiped.

    Right now I'm interested in this girl, I really like her. I don't know how to tell her. Even if I did, I know for a fact she doesn't like me. For one, I see her about twice a month. But she is so beautiful, so friendly, so nice, I can't stop thinking about her and I look forward to every chance I have to spend time with her. We met in the summer through friends of friends and she started hanging out with my friends and I started hanging out with hers and spent a lot of time together, but she's in school and I'm at school, and with work and our schedules and social lives it's hard to meet up now. We got pretty close in the summer, she asked me to spend the night over after a party, but she was drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of the fact she was. Was it gonna get me laid, probably. At the time I didn't really have any feelings for her. And I had very important work things to do so I couldn't spend the night or I would have. Looking back, I'm the biggest idiot in the world. I could have spent some quality time talking to her and comforting her or something.

    We communicate through text messages every few days, and I love that. It's the only way of communicating with her. I'd love to call her and just hang out. Like I said, schedules and all, it's tough. How do I ask her to hang out and not make it seem like a date? When I see her it's usually in a group of people. Never one on one time.

    The problem I have with this girl is she's too socially advanced for me. By that I mean she knows too many people. I'm limited with my friends, I have my friends and some people I talk to, but this girl knows EVERYBODY. What shot do I have? When I'm not with her I have no idea who she's with, which is normal, but I don't know if she likes some dude or how many dudes like her. Hell, if I like her and I barely know her, she must have a bunch of guys like her. All I know is that she's single and looking for a boyfriend.

    What do I even say to this girl? We talk about the everyday stuff, but I want to get to know her as a person and I want her to get to know me. I want to have a good conversation with her. At the same time I don't want it to be obvious that I like her, at least not right now. How do I handle myself in front of her to be friendly and for her to enjoy the time she spends with me? What kind of things can I talk about, what can I do?

    I'm really bad with women, really bad. I love women so much, but I just can't get myself to be good with them. What in the **** do I do?

    Women, give me all the help you can give me, I really need it.
    Men, laugh at me, tell me how to man up.

    I have had 7 Girl friends so far and had sex with 4 of them. So, I think i should answer your query. So here it goes......

    1. Don't do anything. Just concentrate on what you were doing. girls usually like those who are busy in their life. You did your job its their turn now. So wait and watch, But definitely don't keep thinking of them. Many girls come by in your life as you grow older. So, Keep it cool.

    2. Don't try to impress girls as it makes them believe that you are a pervert.

    3. Don't give too much importance to girls than your friends. Your friends are important as they are with you from long. If you start giving importance to girls, it will ruin your basic life.

    4.Never get too Personal with girls. Give them some space and you don't reveal too much of yourself. Keep it less and let them wonder about you.

    You will learn everything about girls. Life teaches you everything. what you need is more experience. Expect "heart breaks" , "Ditching", "cheating". Life is never complete without all these. And never act that you are a loser. You don't know your friends might be having hard time than you are.

    I guess that's enough
    Last edited by chorus; 24-10-09 at 03:26 AM.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by chorus View Post
    I have had 7 Girl friends so far and had sex with 4 of them. So, I think i should answer your query. So here it goes......

    1. Don't do anything. Just concentrate on what you were doing. girls usually like those who are busy in their life. You did your job its their turn now. So wait and watch, But definitely don't keep thinking of them. Many girls come by in your life as you grow older. So, Keep it cool.

    2. Don't try to impress girls as it makes them believe that you are a pervert.

    3. Don't give too much importance to girls than your friends. Your friends are important as they are with you from long. If you start giving importance to girls, it will ruin your basic life.

    4.Never get too Personal with girls. Give them some space and you don't reveal too much of yourself. Keep it less and let them wonder about you.

    You will learn everything about girls. Life teaches you everything. what you need is more experience. Expect "heart breaks" , "Ditching", "cheating". Life is never complete without all these. And never act that you are a loser. You don't know your friends might be having hard time than you are.

    I guess that's enough
    thats a pretty good, concise guide and something that i can learn from.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by chorus View Post
    I have had 7 Girl friends so far and had sex with 4 of them. So, I think i should answer your query. So here it goes......

    1. Don't do anything. Just concentrate on what you were doing. girls usually like those who are busy in their life. You did your job its their turn now. So wait and watch, But definitely don't keep thinking of them. Many girls come by in your life as you grow older. So, Keep it cool.

    2. Don't try to impress girls as it makes them believe that you are a pervert.

    3. Don't give too much importance to girls than your friends. Your friends are important as they are with you from long. If you start giving importance to girls, it will ruin your basic life.

    4.Never get too Personal with girls. Give them some space and you don't reveal too much of yourself. Keep it less and let them wonder about you.

    You will learn everything about girls. Life teaches you everything. what you need is more experience. Expect "heart breaks" , "Ditching", "cheating". Life is never complete without all these. And never act that you are a loser. You don't know your friends might be having hard time than you are.

    I guess that's enough
    Wow.. something semi useful, great post.

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