A few years ago I was dating a guy who I loved a lot but I never thought he was really what I was looking for in life. He wasn't the guy I imagined myself with in the future. After breaking his heart (I felt terrible), I found a new guy right away. This new guy was a friend for two years prior. I just felt like I wasn't over my ex yet because it was really quick when I found the new one. I told the new one that and he said he didn't care because he liked me a lot. Over the next 18 months, we had a relationship which was up and down. Overall, it was a good experience and we traveled everywhere together, something I never did with the ex. We are very alike. But due to the fact that we spent the second half our our relationship physically apart (mostly), I told him we had to end it. He was devastated and has literally not stopped trying to talk to me ever since. I won't lie when I say that I've also been contacting him too, but I just feel really bad for him because he says that he would sacrifice his entire life right now for me. He wants to move half way across the world (literally from Europe to western USA) and try to find a job near me. He says that he was stupid before and never realized what kind of girl I was until it was officially over (of course he would say that, right girls?).
Here's the problem.
I do love him but I do not feel like giving him another chance, but then again, maybe it would be worth it? He had 18 months to figure this out but he couldn't until he saw how serious I was about breaking it off with him / putting me through the misery of that. I've been on a couple of dates with a few random guys but I'm not serious with any of them. I'm just trying to get over him. I haven't went further than a date. I have also been seeing the ex-boyfriend who I had broken up with prior to dating the one who wants me back. Nothing more than friends at the moment. He has changed a lot and I feel I could use the company. He's never treated me badly but the recent boyfriend sounds more serious than ever before and that he might want to finally commit to me for the long term. He was a great guy but it was just the distance and constant let-downs of thinking he might some day move to where I was, just to be with me. Now that he finally wants to do it... it's 2-3 months too late.
Do I take him back after a couple of months of putting him through hell on the phone or will he rub that in my face in what could be a future argument? I know that if he moved to near where I am he wouldn't be happy with his surroundings but he says he doesn't care as long as it's with me. Do I get into another relationship with my old ex-boyfriend to see if he's changed because we're both a little bit older now? Should I stay single? I can't make up my mind here. I know he wasn't what I was looking for before but this town is full of nuts and he's one of the few normal people I've been fortunate enough to encounter in the few years I've been here.
I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm in some sort of a love-triangle without even being involved in a single relationship! I'm not trying to be difficult either. Please give me some advice!