I've been posting abit on this forum but let me back up a little on my situation.
I dated this girl for 3 years, we were classic, told us we loved each other all the time, talked about marriage, having kids, were we wanted to live etc...
Earlier this summer, she broke up with me. I began smothering her a few a month before she broke it off. The more i smothered her, the more she was distant, and the more I smothered her. I blame myself for the breakup. She started dateing this other guy she always found hot a few weeks after our breakup.
So I saw her yesterday after about a month of 4-5 weekly texts of her wanting to see me. She even sent me 2 texts at 2 am when drunk, pissed that i wouldn't meet with her and that she wanted to see me.
We went to a sushi restaurant for a 3 hours dinner. We caught up, talk about what was going on in our lives and where we were heading.
Now what I noted from our meeting.
1) She doesn't refer to her boyfriend as her boyfriend, but by his first name. She never used my first name ever. I was her boyfriend.
2) When she talk about what she is going to do this summer, she talks about going away to another country alone. Doesn't mention the boyfriend.
3) she talked about how she was feeling down during the last month and had a very hard time. She became teary eyed while talking about it.
4) she laughed uncontrollably at my stupid antics like she always did when we were dating. She nearly chocked at one point.
5) she was very nice, with me, smiled all the time and seemed to have a great time.
6) she asked me if we could see each other again soon.
7) she teased me a few times like she did to grab my attention when she was trying get me interested in her before we dated.
Now, I confused of whether she's still into me or she is just acting friendly.
She did want to stay friends when we broke up. I don't know if I'm seeing things or she's just being friendly.
Anyways, after 3 months of getting over her, seeing friends, meeting new people, etc... I've decided to give it another go. I haven't tried to get her back yet, I was bent on getting over her, but since she decided to contact me again, I've change my plan.
Want I'm thinking of doing for now is to see her a couple times more during the month, and eventually, after a few meetings, ask if she'd be interested for another go. If not, tell her that we shouldn't see each other anoymore. I am not interested in friendship.
Am I going at this the right way? Think I have a chance? Any advice? That mates for the answers!