Me and him have been together for 3 months... He is a apart from me about 3 hours distance... In short, it is a long distance relationship. I knew that TRUST is very very important in a relationship, especially for long distance. I trust my boy, just sometimes he like to chatting around in msn without my knowing. Of course chatting in msn is very normal, but why he is appearing offline while chatting in msn, is it he is doing something and scare I know or figure out about it? I love this guy so much, I am so into him... Because of this is a long distance relationship, it's hard for us to meet always, plus both of us are student. He has class and me too. Recently, we have quarrel quite a number of times... I just feel like sometimes he is trying to hiding something in order not to let me worry or what. He told me that in a relationship we shouldn't set a rule for it, but is it talking through phone everyday is a rule? I just wonder won't you will eager to chat with your partner to listen his voice??? I need some advice on it, your contributions is deeply appreciated... Thank you so much!