You meet a woman, you get on like a house on fire. Everything is going well and you're smitten, so obviously you want to contact them. But if you ring and text message them too much they lose interest? You're too clingy. So if you play it cool and nonchalant, they don't care either, and they're certainly not gonna text you first. So it's been three days or so, and you wanna text them but the signals are mixed and you don't know what to say!
Same sort of thing, you meet a woman. You go on a date with them, everything goes well, you can tell they had a good time and you had a blast. You take them out again, maybe sneak in a tongue at the end of the night or whatever, everything is going peachy, this girl could be special. And then out of nowhere they turn cold and uninterested, I call it the third date curse. They don't wanna kiss you anymore, they avoid your kisses, your approaches, everything goes tits up! WHY? WHY? WHY?
I don't get a. what women what from men when they meet them. OR b.why women can turn so cold and distant so quickly? It's like it happens over night.
God I don't understand women.