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Thread: does he like me or not??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    does he like me or not??


    I started uni last year and have a boyfriend who started uni the year before me. He made friends with a lad who was in his year and doing the same subject. Anyway when i started uni the following year i also started talking to this lad. At first i didnt really think much of him then as time went on i started to like him more and more. He does some things which make me think he feels the same way but i dont know if its just me wishful thinking. I will list the things he does:

    He always stares at my chest, but this is probably just because he is a lad (no offence!!)

    Whenever we are walking somewhere he always talks to me. And walks really close. Also whenever there are a group of us and we are all talking and then people leave and its just me and him he never talks to me or seems very reluctant to. He does things to make me laugh like whenever a boyband come on the radio singing a really cheesy love song he always mimicks it to make me laugh.

    The other day i was sorting something out and was bent down on my knees facing him and he was tucking his shirt in his pants because he was cold, and he said that it looked like i was going to perfom a certain act on him and i laughed and said yes it does and he then said 'you can if you want' I think he was joking but im not sure.

    The other day i was sat down and he was looking round the room at other people and then he looked at me but when i made eye contact with him he turned his gaze to something else quickly. Whenever we are talking he always looks me in the eyes and is smiling.

    But the funny thing is whenever we are in our halls thats me, my boyfriend and him he never comes to my room to speak to me. He doesnt really remeber that much about me but he remebers some things. Like im in my second year now and i got a 1st in my first year and whenever we are talking about uni work he always says 'you got a 1st last year didnt you' I was in his room last night in our halls of residence and he was putting posters up he kept saying where do you think i should put this one and asking my advice. We started watching a film on his laptop and i was sat next to him on a deskchair and out the corner of my eye i could see that he kept looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. I cant work him out.

    Please help as im in a real dilemma.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    i think it is just a small crush. not deep

    I AM B-A-C-K!!!!!!!! WANNA MAKE OUT?

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