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So... Where to start.
It all started 2.5 years ago. I met a wonderful girl online. Her name is Susy (for privacy sakes). We hit it off, we were having a grand ole' time. About a month after chatting with her online, she informs me she now has a boyfriend online. Let's call him Larry. Now, within that month of talking to her online, I became fond of her, so obviously when she told me she had a boyfriend now, I was crushed, but life goes on. Fast forward to about 5 months ago, I see her online and casually talk to her. She tells me that Larry broke up with her a couple months ago (which makes their relationship about 2 years long). Now, since they had an online relationship, they only met once in real life. She informs me that they only kissed when they met, which was about 1.5 years into the relationship. I believe her. We start talking frequently again, and eventually, we meet up since we don't live too far away from each other. We both are madly in love with each other and decide to date in real life. At the beginning of our relationship, and up until recently, I thought nothing of her past relationship with Larry. That is, until one day I see her check her e-mail. One of her inboxes is named "Me and Larry." This is when everything went downhill... I got curious as to what was in the inbox. I couldn't help but wonder why she saved all their emails. I still wonder about it. I am ashamed to admit it, and I know I'm a horrible, horrible boyfriend for doing so, but one way or another... I invaded her privacy and looked at the inbox. There would be things you expect in the inbox, love letters, erotic pictures, videos... etc. Everything that pertained to them. It's really getting to me now. I can't stop thinking about any of it. I knew she sent these things to him before we even started dating, and I don't even think it's the material in it that bothers me... it's the fact that she still keeps it, even months and months after the break up and she while she has a new boyfriend. Normally, we are open these types of things and discuss them, but I can't in this situation because I invaded her privacy like a dumbass. She would dump me if she knew I did such a stupid thing. I really do love her more than anything... and I don't want this to get in the way. I would take any advice at all... any! Before you answer, I know I'm a horrible boyfriend... thanks!