Hello all I am new here and looking for some help.
Well here it goes. About a month ago this girl I work with and her friends started hinting to me that she was interested in me. From what her friend said she ahs for sometime just hasnt acted on it since we work together.
Anyways on the 11th I had a birthday parrty for my 21st. She was there of course and she left around midnight but after she left she told me she had a crush on me. Since it was my 21st bday party I was drinking and I responded with something like I was hoping you did or something like that. But after that we never really spoke of it again.
I guess she told her friends she was frustrated I havent tried to ask her out yet so she decided to just tell me. Well I am a shy guy and I finally asked her out. We went out last weekend and went to monster golf. I asked if she was hungry and she said no not really so I thought that was a bad sign. Anyways she invites me in at the end. Overall i felt the date went well and she sent me a text an hour after i left asking if I got home ok and then went on to ask What were your thoughts on tonight. Would you want to hang out again or no?
I responded with Yeah I had fun and made a joke about her little niece liking me(she had family over when she invited me in). She said She does have great character judgement! But I would like to too, I had fun.
So after i sort of got turned down for dinner I felt better about this.
One problem she doesnt seem to flirt with me much. I mean she has a smile when shes with me usually but other than that I dont pick up anything. shes the one that came on to me originally so Im kind of frustrated. She also asked me to hangout in a group is that a bad sign? I feel like Maybe she lost interest in me and is friendzoning me.
I plan on asking her out again tomorrow and see if she wants to go to an amusement park or the zoo. Should I be more flirty? I do really think this girl is great. I just love her attitude and humor. How can I be more flirty without coming off creepy? Should I touch her or put my arm around her, try to kiss her? I dont know! haha
She also referred to our last meeting as hanging out. So i was thinking of asking her this time by saying something like "I want to take you on a date and so on" This way I appear more confident than the first time I asked her which looked bad probably.
Well I could probably go on but Ill stop sorry for the extremely long post I do appreciate your help!