Bleh. Sometimes I get so caught up in the idea of romance and love that I find it's become and invitation for more pain. It's not fun, even when you're "happy" (whatever that means) and in love it's still a lot of work. Is it wrong for me to think that I don't want to deal with it anymore and just have a good time, hook up, but not get serious?
My cousins have all given me the "that will only last so long" and "it can never fill the whole in your heart" speeches, but honestly I think all that is a load of bull; it's all in your head. If you want to have a good time with guys and not get serious, you can do it without ever getting attached. You grow up thinking relationships and committment is the natural routine of things and that flings are "wrong" but that's just a "mom and pop" way of keeping you inline with society.
Looks like this thread has turned into less of a "I need advice" thread and more of a rant from someone who seems pissed and hurt, doesn't it? Sigh* I've resigned to it. I'm going to have fun. . .can't deal with the heart-attack that is "love."