So, lately, we've been having a bad month with my g/f...
I'm being jealous, however, I believe I'm not possessive. She is simply spending time with this guy, it's like she's with him more often, than with me. It's been a long-term issue, tbh, but I guess my trust is depleting now.
I often am in a bad mood with her, when she says she was by him, to which she reacts hurt, that she only loves me and she'd gladly spend all her time with me, but she needs to find time for her friends. Yet, all the time, her friends seem to boil down to this person. I'm no way wanting her to stop her life outside our relationship, but this situation is upsetting me.
All the time I get my small victories over myself, asking stuff about the guy (I don't even know him in person), asking her, whether she had a good time, etc. (all in a friendly manner), then everything goes kind of ok - until she spend half of the week with this dude again and all my nerves are bleeding, she's going out with me like 2 times in a week. When I tell her all this, she says, that she is spending all her spare time with me, but she has to also go out with some friends... (here we go again).
She says we have to have our own time with friends so that our relationship works and isn't monotonous. On the contrary to this, to me it seems we're having this jealousy cycle repeating all over. I'd love to spend enough time with her, that we'd both feel the urge to separate for a while, yet that didn't happen for me for 2 or more months. It's true, that we had some rough times in school/college, but that little spare time she had was also split like this.
She acts, as if I was irrational, not understanding her, not getting what she feels for me. She's the one hurt and I'm the one always bringing up problems. She always seemed honest to me, but now I just don't know, if I am being a doormat, or insecure jerk.