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Thread: Is this bad?

  1. #1
    Bo's Avatar
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    Is this bad?

    So my guy left Saturday to go to his university where he'll be for the next two years. We got into a huge fight right before he leaves but we made up and we're ok now but we decided we're not having a long distance relationship. The thing is I still find myself kinda waiting around for him, he's coming back at the beginning of August for about 3 weeks and I can't wait to see him. He's also gonna be back in november just in time for my birthday for 7 weeks. I'm so used to spending just about everyday with him, I miss him a lot. I know he misses me too and he wants me to come visit him already, he's over six hours away driving though. I know he's not into the party/frat scene anymore, which is he reason he got sent back three years ago so he's not screwing around at all...it makes me feel like he's worth waiting for but then again I don't want to be the idiot that waits around for some guy and then finds out that he doesn't really give a shit.
    sooo I don't know, even if we're not together it feels wrong to be with another guy... or am I just thinking too hard about this?

  2. #2
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    Yeah, that sucks, but it's probably for the better. No offense.

    Just calm down and try to fill your life with other things - friends, family, hobbies. It's very tough to live when the one you love is no longer there. I've been there before.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    Yeah, that sucks, but it's probably for the better. No offense.

    Just calm down and try to fill your life with other things - friends, family, hobbies. It's very tough to live when the one you love is no longer there. I've been there before.
    Yeah, it's just funny how things play out because at first we were basically just messing around, he told me from the beginning that he was leaving so we tried to leave it at that and not get serious. But i guess it's the nature of the beast, things happened and it got a lot more serious than either of us expected. I don't want to get all wrapped up in it though ya know? He's a great guy, he's definitely one of the smarter guys i've met and I just love all the little things about him. It's summer too meaning i've got so much more time on my hands and not a lot of people to spend it with since my bestfriend is pregnant and always busy or in a bad mood. I spend a lot of my time trying to stop myself from calling or texting him...lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by .Bo. View Post
    sooo I don't know, even if we're not together it feels wrong to be with another guy... or am I just thinking too hard about this?
    That feeling usually goes away after a couple of months after the breakup
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  5. #5
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    realistically, what is waiting for a few months? but if another guy comes along and he's better, then f*ck it, move on.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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