After penile enlargement surgery done about years ago have any of you men suffered penis erection problems that you think are caused by surgery?
After penile enlargement surgery done about years ago have any of you men suffered penis erection problems that you think are caused by surgery?
I will understand that You had this surgery only if Your penis before looked or was as long as vagina, in other cases I think it's the stupidest thing to do and... Your fault, Your pain.
I wazzzz here
Why the eff would anyone want to enlarge his penis?
The only reason I can think of is a huge self esteem issue.
Few years ago I saw one documentary programe about this.And I also saw, how it looks like when' the surgery goes bad' ... Oh my gosh, it was equal to castration....
Poor guys, I'd rather masturbate more to make the muscles stronger than do a surgery.Of course if my penis wouldn't look like vagina like I said.
Oh but I don't have this problem I self don't have penis,and my second one is nice one
I wazzzz here
To use an old cliche: it's not the size of your stick that counts, it's what you do with it.
Well I'm no expert but I hear people say that men with average sized or small penises have longer erections than those with very large penises.
The reason? Well an erection is blood rushing to the penis and the smaller the penis the less blood is needed to keep an erection.
Now those with large penises tend to be less capable of longer erections do to the large amount of blood needed to keep an erection.
Might be a problem since you originally had a small penis and now with the surgery you require much more blood circulation to the penis which your body is not providing. This is only my guess on what your problem might be.
quit offending the OP. he asked something not to have discuss his personal choice and something that already happened years ago, but to resolve an issue that he CURRENTLY encountered.
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