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Thread: What is she After?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    What is she After?

    Well I am confused, hungry, and tired. This woman has been running laps around my mind for almost a week now. Little background information:

    I met her because our two companies work with one another. I work in Collections as a Sales Manager. She is my clients assistant.
    I had a "Crush" on her for a few months, I would sometimes make up excuses just to catch her at the office for a little bit and chit-chat. I had no Idea she was ever in a relationship...let alone one for a few years. Myself had just gotten out of a rather bad one, she cheated on me...on Valentines day! and her other cheated on her a few months prior. But anyway.

    After she informed me of what happened between her and her ex I told her about mine. That's when she gave me a her cell number, told me to "Call me if you ever just wanna talk to someone or hang out"

    Now their is a bit of age difference, I am 21 and she is 24. To me, age means nothing if someone makes you feel the way you do.

    So i was super excited i got her number because it had been a while since i had gotten any girls number. I actually did not call her or text her for a day. She just randomly one night texted me and we chatted for a bit.

    She is a bit of a thrill seeker, which is fine with me. I am not one myself, but I am willing to try anything at least once. We went out to dinner 3 days ago, well not dinner really...a Bar. We grabbed 2 beers each and some food. She was telling me about all of her plans and how she loved that I was so Spontaneous. She actually invited me to dinner with her and her co-workers...but never called me. I did not want to push myself into her life by "Hey are we going or what". She also told me I am to go a Stand Up Comedian with her and her mother this month, and she invited me to an 80's style party this weekend, but for some reason I highly doubt she will call me for it.

    We share a lot of similar interests, Both love doing random things spur of the moment, we are both Irish(Apparently I am going to Dublin with her at the end of the year). She was also very "Huggy" and touchy feely to me most of the night, Put her arms around me as we walked back to my car to take her home, kissed me on the cheek when I dropped her off.

    I am however just kicking myself in the ass for not walking her to her door...I think that was my prime **** up.

    I just cannot tell what she wants with me. She says she wants to hang out, but something has come up several times, or she needs an extra hour to do something so we are late.

    I have been having trouble thinking straight, eating(Which isn't a bad thing. I have a tiny bit of pudge left on my body now), sleeping. I wake up and she is the first thing on my mind. Smart, Funny, Gorgeous, and just an overall great person.

    I think I should just wait for her to call/text me first. I have been every other day just saying Hi, or good morning to her. Somewhat dull responses.

    What do you think she wants with me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You should let her come after you. You have to be the "prize" and if she's breaking plans and being late to stuff then that is plain disrespectful. She is getting at that age where she will soon realize that men will not put up with that s*** anymore.

    It can cause trouble sleeping and eating but you need to distance yourself and if you make plans and she breaks them with a lame excuse...get out of there.

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