So, i've known this guy for 3 years now and since last summer i really have begun to like him. We have a fairly close friendship to the point he is comfortable telling me how self-concious he is. But ever since my last relationship (which ended terribly) I have basically given up on finding 'Mr. right' . Since about last Christmas he has been making little comments like 'how pretty i am' and 'how i shouldn't give up on love because love could be right under my nose' which made me feel like he liked me a little. Another problem: it's like one day he's like the sweet perfect guy and the next he's uncaring and a bit mean. That confuses me so much. On the other hand I am pretty shy and It hurts to hear about him and his relationships with other women. So being the 'scardy cat' that i am i began to back away, you know like close up. I'm scared to go through another heartbreak.
Now it has gotten to the point where we dont even talk anymore. Did I mention this is all online(MSN messenger)? Though i met him in real life he moved to NY for school, so we dont even see each other anymore unless it's over webcam. Anyhow, I recently overheard him and my cousin talking, and their topic was me.(she had him on speaker phone while doing her hair) He kept asking her how I was feeling and if I was mad at him, what he did wrong..and some other.. stange things. My cousin told him i was fine and i just need..well in her words -a man- . He said I had one but he 'evidently wasnt good enough' What's that supposed to mean?
But, now im on my way to writing a novel so I'll stop here. Im so confused and I have so many questions..Any Advice? I'd appreciate it tons.
Thanks :]