Not enough room to go into all the details... so I'll summarize:
- overly accommodative, compliant... willing to seek approval of others
- emotions are very fleeting... moments of happiness do not last very long.. but neither does anger or any other emotion. Though I am happy to report that neither does sadness anymore now that I've corrected the problem I was having.
- aside from wanting approval from others --- I find that I have a difficult time to truly empathize with other people. Very often I am far too cold... slow to react... and even unforgiving of the faults of others
- tend to procrastinate if something does not relate to me directly. If I am helping someone else... I'll put them on the back burner... often forgetting about them (but not really meaning to). Though I have learned to break down these 'errands' into parts with my cell phone to remind me of what I need to do and when.
- my attention span is ridiculously long. I fixate on things that hold my interests and it is very difficult for me to let up, forget about them... or in worse cases... even change the subject when I'm talking to someone.
- I cuss a lot. Even when I am trying to be polite every now and then one of those words will get through.. and I won't realize it until it's too late.
- I remind myself of past failures much too often... and it can eat away at my self-confidence. The part of me that fixates is slow to relinquish the idea of 'what did I do wrong?' So I review the past in my mind over and over again... finding some new tidbit of what I did wrong.
- I worry about the future entirely too much. I'm only 24, but already I worry about how things will be next year... when I'm in my 30's... my 40's.. and so on. Feel like I can never bring about enough stability in the present to ever provide myself with a future that seems hopeful.
Naturally... there is more... but those seem to top the list right now.
"The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."
- James Allen