I would prefer my boyfriend watch porn and get off watching another woman, than get off inside another woman. But maybe that's just me.
Confident women also have respect for themselves. Any woman who respects herself and any man who respects their woman wouldn't go on sex escapades using pornography. I've seen it make the sexiest of women with confidence and conceit gain a little insecurity because their boyfriend is watching pornography.
If you are one of those women who doesn't have a problem... good for you. I feel bad for this girl because she hasn't gotten it yet... Men are going to be men. It doesn't mean that what they are doing is right, but in order to save yourself you've gotta get over it. Or else your jealousy will become envy; it will lead to self destruction; your self esteem will be shot to hell... all because...
Your boyfriend watches porn. Blah!
I think what it all comes down to is a matter of personal opinion and respect, and self control.
Right on Doppel.
The only time I would get upset at my boyfriend for looking at porn were if it had taken hold of our sex life. If he consistently chose masturbating over touching me, that's a deal breaker right there.
One of my ex's would occasionally choose masturbating because he was too tired to initiate sex. He wasn't always willing to go the extra mile to help me get off too. Or he'd initiate sex by asking me if I wanted to give him a blow job. Not very enticing in my book. Sometimes he would even tell me to masturbate after sex if I hadn't gotten off yet. I was happy to do so with him involved, but then in the middle of it he'd drop off to sleep.
Lame. So lame.
You know what I find a little hypocritical when some women complain and call men names for occasionally using porn? Many (if not most) of those same women masturbate, and don't see it as being exactly the same. What is the distinction between a woman's purely mental fantasies and a man's purely visual fantasies? At least with porn, you know he isn't fantasizing about the next door neighbor!
Last edited by carl1222; 30-03-09 at 09:16 AM.
Oh Carl. That is so pathetic. It really is. LOL! Most Women are capable of being satisfied by one. Men can't. That's why you're convinced that is normal to be that way. Just face it. Men are not strong in that department.
What a very stereotypical statement...
Btw Coco... who do you think about when you masturbate? Is it always your SO? Every single time? ... or do you fabricate a different person in your mind? even a nonexistent guy?
In either case... as I said before... most men do not desire the actual woman in the porno... they just like being reminded of what sex is like...
Besides, there are men who do desire to be with only one woman... quite a few of them post on this forum.
"The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."
- James Allen
My mind doesn't work that way. I am more than satisfied with thinking about my SO.
"I agree that the women should just get over it because men are beasts and will never be brave enough to have lust, attraction, stimulation and desire of/for one woman. It's just too much to ask of Men. They are not capable of it. No matter how many times my fiancee has said otherwise... I just stare and him and move the topic right along. LOL!"
What a freaking smug, sexist, condescending comment, Coco. If you think women are brave and men are beasts, then you know absolutely nothing about women, men and their respective biology. News flash: women are not more evolved or courageous than men, just different.
I am sure your fiancee wouldn't feel happy that you mock him like that. Ohhh wait ... you are cute, and he's a beast. Maybe he wouldn't mind.
Last edited by carl1222; 30-03-09 at 01:16 PM.
Were you thinking about him when that cute hunk of a guy walked by you on the way to work? Were you thinking about your SO when you thought about how attractive the actor looked in the movie? Were you thinking about him when talking with a friend reminded you of some sexual moments with an ex?
The point is... it's impossible to be 100% satisfied with one person 100% of the time. Everyone looks at other people from time to time... everyone fantasizes about scenarios that may or may not include their SO... but nobody will have sexual thoughts of only their SO -- not 100% of the time.
If a person could be satisfied 100% of the time with their SO, then cheating would be practically nonexistent. And if such a thing was only possible with women.. then I wouldn't expect women to cheat at all... or if it's only the majority of women capable... then I wouldn't expect the percentage of women that do cheat to be so high.
I think you are fooling yourself by not admitting that you have instinctual urges just like any other woman. You choose to ignore them.. but they are still there --- whether you like it or not.
And it is hypocritical of you to assume that women are somehow better than men just because men are more often stereotyped to not be 100% satisfied... Both men and women have thoughts that wander....
"The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."
- James Allen
I am not fooling myself. I don't have sexual urges to be with other men. I'm not perverted like that.
Stay on topic. I only speaking of when it comes to pornography not on everything. And thanks for the compliment.
That goes for you too Aeradalia. Stay on topic. Don't stretch my comment into other categories of the relationship. It is possible for someone to be 100% satisfied SEXUALLY in a relationship. Duh... of course no one is 100% satisfied in a relationship there is always something unbalanced. Whether the sex is 100 the respect is 50, the communication is 80. But... stay on topic im only speaking on overcoming pornography
Last edited by CocoChanel; 30-03-09 at 03:28 PM.