I live with a good friend of mine and her boyfriend. I need help on giving her some advice, because I can tell she is being neglected... Basically, her boyfriend blatantly ignores her for a computer game. He plays the game as soon as he wakes up, and as soon as he comes home from work; that is literally all he does. The only time he even glanced at her today was to accept the dinner she had made for him. I can tell it hurts her to be living with someone who treats her second best to a video game... =[ She comes into the living room just to be near him, and even has tried to act interested in his game just to be included... And all he does is snap at her, and continues to give her the cold shoulder. She enjoys video games herself, so perhaps that's why she hasn't confronted the issue... But there is a huuuuge difference between enjoying video games, and using them as a way to make her feel insignificant and needy. She does not see the manipulation going on here, and she doesn't realize that his neglect directly impacts her self esteem. I really care about her, and I've tried mentioning it to her before, but she doesn't seem to realize that it is a problem when your live-in boyfriend would rather put on his headphones and shoot people for hours in an alternate reality than spend time together. She seems to just brush it off like no big deal, when I know for a fact that this is hurting her. What can I do to make her realize that this is wrong? How do I approach the situation without over-stepping my boundaries as her friend and roommate??
- Heather