I really need your help on this please.
I am feeling very insecure and depressed at the moment and im scared that im going to push my boyfriend away.
I realise that I have a problem and I have been to the doctors and im waiting to get professional help.
Apart from this, what else can I do to get over being insecure?
I keep freaking and panicin on my boyfriend if he seems distant or does not reply to me, will this behaviour push him away? Would it push you away, even if the partner is getting help and realises there is a problem?
I was abused in the past by a family friend, it took me a long time to get out of it because I was scared and was worried what people would think of me because I was 18. I never spoke to anyone about this and let it get to me.
I also had a bad ending to my last relationship and have got hurt by other people that I have got close to.
I really care about my boyfriend, I like to put his needs 1st, like to know that he is ok and want to make him happy.
The things is I just want a bit of extra support at the moment from people I care about. Is that asking to much? Would that scare you/annoy you/push you away?
I have only been with my current boyfriend for two months, we met online and he has been great to my face. I have spoken to him and he comes across as caring and wanting to listen. He says that he wants to be there for me, that he cares about me a lot etc. I feel that I have put to much on him early in the relationship. Im also worried because ive noticed that his profile on the dating site is still hidden but he has been going on there again recently, quite a lot.
I really need your ideas on what else I can do to get over this. Thank you.