I'm eating my words from about a week ago...but not really.
I mentioned before that my g/f can at times, be too readily available. She's not clingy or anything, but she's around often, and we tend to do quite a few things together since we're light on hang out buddies.
But since we couldn't get intimate over the Christmas break, and she was on her period before that, and she's still in Texas until Wednesday, I'm beginning to feel that longing I used to way back when.
While not unforeseen (I felt like some distance would be good for us), it still has me thinking about her more, getting all mushy like.
Regardless I tone it down when I talk to her, and I'm sure we're both trying to play it cool as it's only a few days.
I wish we could find more opportunities like this to add a little "fondness" to our relationship.