I dropped out of nursing school so that I can start on my Biology major for medical school.
I dropped out of nursing school so that I can start on my Biology major for medical school.
I don't chase, I replace.
I guess now is the time for me to stop fantasizing about you in a nurses outfit then
When do your bio courses start?
And I've told my ex that we can't be friends. I've blocked her on AIM and told her to delete me from her phone.
I don't chase, I replace.
Wow Cain, you're on a role.
What are you going to do to occupy yourself b/t now & spring?
Last week she told me all kinds of stuff about how she'll always love me, that she wants to talk more, and that she wants to take things one day at a time and if things are still going well after break we'd have a visit.
I haven't spoken to her since Friday. I sent a couple texts that she never responded to. She was studying for finals, so I didn't want to smother her with phone calls and IMs.
And today she's apparently now kinda seeing someone.
I don't chase, I replace.
Oh, **** her crazy ass anyway. WE will always love you too, and we're not going to jerk you around like she did.
Spammer Spanker
what a crazy little girl. i'm glad you've decided to leave her alone.
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.
It's not easy being right all the time.
Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.
And according to her, she didn't respond to my texts because she was too busy. But not too busy to find another guy apparently.
Not only that, but she said that things were weird with her and I because I didn't try to talk to her during this last week... because she was studying for ****ing finals... and I did send texts.
I don't chase, I replace.
It's just like when we broke up. She goes from telling me all kinds of shit about how much she loves and misses me, and then just forgets it.
I don't chase, I replace.