Well basically we started dating when I was 24 going on to 25 and it's been about 4yrs we've been together. Our relationship has been great until this last month. We had a big conversation about how we really feel about each other and she feels that we should have an open relationship. She agreed with me that the reason she feels this way is because her Dad cheats on her mother but their still together and it seems as if the mother accepts it. Anyways the bottom line is she’s got some really bad experiences with people around her and family in long term relationships.
Well she was only 23 when we started dating with very little dating experiences in her true adult life. At the beginning I told her she should date but ofcourse she refused and now she wants to date. And tells me she wants to find out if I'm really the one. What is that supposed to really mean?
Well of course I didn't agree with her decision but I want to be understanding of her feelings and be there for her. My question is what should I do in this situation? I have a ring for her and want to get engaged and she knows the engagement is kind of right around the corner but I'm not sure if this is the right moment in time to do so. I feel like I could be losing her if I let her date and then she'll think I'm not the one. She may think that I don't love her enough because I'm letting her talk to other men.
I honestly think she wants some space but not to really date other men just talk to and see how strongly she feels about me. I think she maybe just saying about the date thing because she loves it when I get jealous. She laughs and thinks it’s cute when I get mad after she tells me she found another man to talk to. She also has asked me if I've talked or met anyone else in a jealous way. She also talks about me getting over her and she trying to get over me, I’m not sure if she's joking or serious. It’s one of those moments where she says it seriously then laughs and brushes it off.
Last night when we talked she sounded a little annoyed but then told me she loved me but in a friendly way and kind of laughed, She’s never done that before, so what was that all about? Like I said I'm lost on this one, everyday that goes by it gets weirder and weirder and I think I’m losing her. Everyday now she wants me to get over her but she still calls me every night just like always but now it’s getting friendlier as the days go by, I’m getting a little scared guys.
What should I do?