I had a miscarriage when I was 16. It scarred me for life. I was so traumatized that I convinced myself that I just couldn't get pregnant, so that is what I told every guy I was with..in some sick psychotic way I really honestly believed it.
After having sex with a handful of guys for years unprotected and never getting pregnant I met the father of my beautiful baby girl. We had sex for months and nothing happened and then the day he was trying to break it off with me I get pregnant.... Crazy huh?
Well neither of us believe in abortion so well we had the baby...
I thought I loved him and well I do because he is the father of my child but things between us just don't work. We used to fight all the time, now we really just don't talk. We don't sleep in the same bed. We never, never have sex even though I'm on birth control (I have an IUC). He's not attracted to me what so ever because I gained 40lbs.. He tells me if you don't have personality you have to have looks and I have neither.. We don't have much in common, there is a 17 year age gap.
We would go our separate ways but we just don't know what to do.
We don't want our daughter to grow up without her mother and father, but we also don't want her growing up with this relationship as her example as how a man and a woman should be together
I just don't know what to do. Can anyone help me???
Also his side of the story is in a reply on the first page of replies...