It’s weird but I think I’ve now realised my ideal looking man physically. I spent years trying to figure out what I’m attracted to. I always knew I liked dark hair, thick eyebrows, chiseled jaw line and darker skin. My ex was Chinese and he had all these traits physically. To me he has amazing colour skin. Is there another deeper explanation? (I hope not) I don’t think I miss him and need someone as similar as possible to take his place surely?
I went to a Chinese restaurant last night and I kept looking at the staff wondering what it would be like to date them (not have sex but long-term DATE) and I was definitely attracted to most of them.
Has anyone thought that maybe you have dated someone because of similar traits your ex had and not necessarily on their own individual merits. Did it make you wonder whether you made the right decisions about your ex?
Is this a ‘Friends’ (tv show) moment like Rachel dating ‘Russ’ not Ross (the two people were exactly the same and Rachel didn’t notice until the end)? It begs the question…am I still in love with my ex?