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Thread: Is my fiance taking me for granted

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Is my fiance taking me for granted

    I feel my fiance is not showing as much love and devotion to me as I am to him.

    Ex. Recently I was mugged, and he told me he wanted me to from now on take a cab home after 9 PM or go with him. Tonight, he was going to watch a football match with mates at a pub, he said that I could come to the pub after my meeting if I wanted to. I called him at 9, and said my meeting let out what should I do. He said "the game hasn't started yet, can you take a cab home." What happened to the I want you to be safe and I want to protect you stuff he mentioned before? Suddenly because of a boys night and the game he drops me? Of course, I would have said no if he had offered me to come to the pub, because I know he needs to have some boys time, but he didn't even offer!

    Another time, he was in Poland for a conference, and his phone broke, and he didn't even try calling me the whole time he was gone on a payphone. He sent me an email. I would have found a way to call him.

    Then the next weekend he goes on a football weekend to watch a game, and to top it all off, this weekend is supposed to be a romantic weekend for us (and we are going to consummate our love - I wanted to wait till marriage, but have changed my mind after some hard thinking), and it seems like he doesn't care. He says he does, but I want him to show it! And all these trips without me beforehand makes me feel like he value the boys and sports over me.

    I in the mean time make the effort to give him massages, learned to cook, give him surprise notes everywhere, little gifts, poems, etc.

    Am I overreacting? What should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    I don't think you should be expecting him to act like a girl.

    He is allowed to have boys nights out without you. What's wrong with taking a cab? Didn't he orginally propose that anyway?

    In Poland, he emailed you. When I went to Israel, the only reason I called home at all was because a war broke out. You can probably manage not hearing frm him when you know he is out of the country for a short trip, can't you?

    And BTW - why are you letting him tell you "I don't want you... blah blah bla" in the first place?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    So how does a Man show he loves his gal? What should I expect from him?

    And I am not letting him tell me to do anything. I am merely explaining what he said to me and the contradiction between that and his actions.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    And I am fine with him having boys nights out That is not the problem The problem is the fact he told me one thing, and then dropped me the minute he knew the game hadn't started. What does that you usually mean?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    And also, we are about to have sex for the first time this weekend. Shouldn't he be behaving differently this week as a result, at least a little more lovey dovey?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    I think he simply wanted to watch the game. Honestly though, if you aren't happy with the amount of attention he pays you, then you should NOT be having sex with him. Find a boy that values you the way you WANT to be valued. If you settle for less, then you will GET less.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Just talk to him about this issue!

    Although, I don't see any problem with the stuff you mentioned except the weekend part. Talk to him and settle it out. Good communication is the key to success

  8. #8
    Gribble's Avatar
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    All over the damn place.
    Bleh. If you want all that lovey dovey crap either start batting for the other team yourself or find a gay guy.

    Your fiance sounds like a normal guy to me.
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